Entrepreneurship training

Since 2018, YIDA has been training youth to become self-employed under the entrepreneurship and financial inclusion program and most of the trainees understand the principles of business and how to grow the business. However, 70% of the trainees could not manage to come up with a live business due to a lack of capital, the other 30% could get funding from friends and families or other organizations within the community. 

Therefore, YIDA is focusing on funding entrepreneurship trainees so as to impact business sustainability in the communities, each trainee must get USD 100 as a minimum. 

In the year 2022, the project is building on the existing

program with more effort being put into female entrepreneurs (70%) by giving them funds to start the business. 

Successful trainees are able to employ others and are connected to other programs related to entrepreneurship globally, like Anzisha, western union fellowships and within-the-organization programs like YIDA Financial Services to acquire soft loans. The youths who benefited from the program are working in carpentry, mobile money, farming, bird keeping, small-scale trading, education, textile and transportation.

The program engages other refugee-youth-led organizations to maximize impact through collaborations, capacity sharing and resource sharing, therefore, other refugee-youth-led organizations are able to continue supporting the sector widely.